Euro-Pharmacies Drostanolone Propionate 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml) EXPIRATION
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Euro-Pharmacies Drostanolone Propionate 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml): 屈他雄酮 for muscle mass gain and testosterone analog.
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丙酸屈他雄酮 - Masteron
Masteron 曾经是一种广受健美运动员欢迎的合成代谢类固醇和雄性激素。它由一家欧洲制药公司生产,但由于广泛滥用和对毒性的担忧,该公司在近 20 年前就停止了生产。
The steroid is no longer available and even on the black market, its authenticity is questionable. ?The Belgium Pharmaceutical Company, Sarva Syntex, stopped the manufacture of this drug at least 10 year ago.
马司他酮可以增加肌肉质量,并导致正氮平衡。身体质量会在 4-6 周内逐渐增加。
Masteron 不会芳香化为雌激素,这就是为什么它比许多其他合成代谢类固醇更受青睐的原因。它的作用类似于睾酮。不过,在高剂量下,该药物会在一定程度上转化为雌激素,并可能导致乳房增大和水肿。由于担心副作用,这种药物从未被批准用于临床医学。在欧洲,这种药物曾被试用于治疗耐药性贫血症和体重严重下降的艾滋病毒感染者。
健美运动员使用 Masteron 来恢复和保持体重。其雄性激素特性有助于增加体重,但效果不如诺龙(nandrolone)或炔诺酮(winstrol)。这种药物最常用于运动会前,并在赛前两周停止使用。不过,这已经是过去的事了。如今,先进的检测技术甚至可以在使用一个月后识别出这种药物。事实证明,大多数健美运动员都对马司替龙感到失望。体重增加是渐进的,并不明显。虽然一些健美运动员声称马司他顿具有增肌效果,但过去使用过这种药物的大多数运动员都抱怨其效果微乎其微。该药物失效的部分原因可能是市场上的制剂疗效不佳。由于这种药物已不再合法生产,因此大部分 Masteron 都是由亚洲和欧洲的家庭实验室生产的。除了质量差之外,假冒伪劣产品的情况也屡见不鲜。
There is no oral formulation of the drug. The dose of Masteron is 100 mg injected every other day, but there are others who recommend using the drug every day. The injections are typically administered in the buttocks and can be painful if done every day. To prevent abscess formation, it is recommended that one change the site of injection every week. There are other bodybuilders who recommend increasing the dose of Masteron to 200-500mg/week. ?Since the drug has never been formally used in medicine, any recommended dose is purely empirical and based on guess work.
另一个最常见的注射部位是大腿外侧。尽管这种药物吸收迅速,但它的半衰期很短,主要是由于在肝脏中分解所致。健美运动员通常将马司他林与 Winstrol 或 Anavar 等其他合成代谢类固醇一起服用。有些人甚至会在药物的冲淡期加入 Clomid。大多数专家建议,一次服用该药物的时间不应超过 3-4 周。由于该药物不会被分解成雌激素,因此不会出现乳房增大或水肿。
Masteron 的副作用极小且罕见--前提是它是真货。大多数过去的使用者表示,他们没有观察到任何副作用,这对于合成类固醇来说是非常不寻常的。报告的最常见副作用包括
- 疲劳
- 脱发
- 精神变化--抑郁、焦虑、愤怒、好斗
- 痤疮、油性皮肤
- 普遍疲劳
The majority of these side effects reverse once the drug is stopped. Women wishing to use this drug should use caution. It can cause potent virilizing effects ? some of which are irreversible even after the drug is stopped.
Masteron is not only a difficult drug to find but it is also very expensive. It is only available on black market. There are many sites on the internet which claim to have the real ?Masteron?. Each vial of 100 mg is sold for $25-$30. However, analysis by many research laboratories have revealed that what is sold on the internet is fake or counterfeit product. In the USA, Masteron which is available has been smuggled in from Mexico, Thailand and the Far East. What the exact contents of the formulation remain in doubt- the only way to verify the product is to analyze it in the laboratory. In most cases, it is a counterfeit product with little more than some olive oil mixed with a few unknown powders.
所有体育组织都禁止使用马司他酮,并定期检查尿液。如今,先进的技术可以在最后一次用药后的 3-4 周内从尿液中检测出马司琼。
根据《受管制物质法》,Masteron 被列为附表 3 药物。这意味着拥有这种药物是非法的。
在对许多网站进行广泛研究并致电经销商/卖家核实他们的 masteron 后,人们怀疑是否存在真正的产品。对于任何希望强身健体的人来说,Masteron 都不适合。省点钱,买点更正宗的东西吧。
包装尺寸 |
10 ml |
品牌 | |
性别 |
男人 |
类型 |
injectable |
用量 |
每周 300 - 600 mg |
活性成分 |
丙酸屈他雄酮 |
半衰期 |
4,5 天 |
到期 |
XII.24 |

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